Getting Back With My Ex Coaching Adrian Natalie

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This was published 2 years ago


Break-up coaches are exploiting the vulnerable

Has the love of your life broken up with you? It hurts, I know. It's fantastically painful. You've lost your other half, your best friend, the life you thought you'd have. You'd do anything to stop the pain. You'd do anything to get them back.

Well, according to the internet – and a variety of "break up coaches" – you can. You could read the Five Step Plan to Get Your Ex Running Back to You! by dating coach Matthew Hussey, or watch The Number One Secret to Getting Your Ex Back! by Brad Browning. You could go with Kevin, from the website Ex Back Permanently, or get private coaching from online service, The Art of Love.

If one partner has fallen out of love ... coaching cannot mend it.

If one partner has fallen out of love ... coaching cannot mend it. Credit:Jessica Shapiro

You will generally begin with a 30 day "no contact" period, to give your ex-partner time to miss you. (The idea that they may be perfectly delighted to be free of your daily phone calls isn't generally up for discussion.)

When the campaign for reconciliation begins, there are a variety of techniques to try. Women can use social media to "re-seduce" their ex with enticing pictures of their exercise and travel. Men can use their "emotional masculinity" to "re-attract" their ex whilst at the same time letting the woman "feel like she's in control".

You can use the mirror technique to reconnect with your ex, or access the "deep emotion inside a man's reptilian brain to get him to beg you to take him back".

If couples break up because one partner has fallen out of love, trying to call the other partner back is not in your interests, or theirs.

And, of course, you must subscribe to the coach's YouTube channel/newsletter/blog/easy four part payment plan to learn more.

Now, I understand why these coaches and websites exist. The pain of separation is real, and extraordinarily hard to deal with. The feelings of separation anxiety – or "separation protest" – can cause the rejected partner to work frantically to get their lover back and heartbroken people will take any piece of advice, any grain of hope, in their quest.

But these "coaches" are exploiting the distraught and grieving with false promises and shonky advice.


None provide statistics on how many clients succeed in "getting their ex back", or follow up with happy couples who have worked through the techniques.

Of course, many couples do reconcile after a breakup, but it depends largely on the reason for the split.

According to Elisabeth Shaw, CEO of Relationships Australia NSW, many couples separate because they've reached a relationship impasse – a destructive conflict cycle, or infidelity, or betrayal. Others end their relationships due to anger, frustration or resentment, rather than a lack of love.

Some couples, however, break up for a simpler reason: one partner has fallen out of love, or feels the relationship has run its course. And in these cases, Shaw tells me, trying to call the other partner back into the relationship is not in your interests, or theirs.

"If you did manage to talk them into coming back it won't have a great chance of success," she warns. "It might work for a while if they are lonely or nostalgic, but then you'll encounter the same problems and break up again."

So when and how can one get their ex back? What actually works, when there's still love and hope?
Well, even when there is a possibility of reconciliation, the path lies not in the tricks recommended by the breakup coaches. The path, according to Elisabeth Shaw, is self-reflection and hard work, and, possibly, couples counselling.

Take stock of yourself and your own behaviour. Have a hard think about why the relationship failed. The only way forward is to do the work.

"Take stock of yourself and your own behaviour," she advises. "Have a good hard think about why the relationship failed. The only way forward is to do the work and do the relationship differently."

If you are keen to get your ex back, you will to bring something to the table, not just hollow seduction.

"It's not about promising things your partner wants to hear," Shaw explains. "It's about working on yourself and making changes."


Ultimately, however, all the self-improvement in the world won't work if your ex has shut the door on your relationship. As hard as it is to be rejected, sometimes there is no "getting the ex back". You can choose to spend hours frantically googling strategies, or you can get on with the process of acceptance and recovery.

Your ex may find their way back to you one day, but it has to be through growth, and not manipulation.

Either way, the solution to the pain of a breakup isn't to get your ex back. The solution is to get yourself back, and rebuild your life.

Getting Back With My Ex Coaching Adrian Natalie


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